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Jerry Springer's Awakening on Important Transgender Issue

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Jerry Springer will always be remembered for the outlandish topics and wild guests on his talk show, but 9 years ago he made one major change in how he addressed transgender issues on that program.

Jerry's awakening came back in 2014, when he was a guest on "TMZ Live" ... we'd invited him on our show to discuss the backlash he and his producers were getting at the time. "The Jerry Springer Show" had aired an episode entitled, "Tr***ies Twerk It Out," and the LGBTQ community was outraged.

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We asked the host about using the t-word, and he told us he'd "just been educated" on the subject. The clip is super interesting ... Jerry said, "I'm not interested in offending people" -- which, in and of itself, might surprise longtime 'Springer Show' critics and fans.

Jerry vowed he'd stop using that term on all future shows. Now, we can't confirm it was never used again, but watch the clip ... he seemed totally earnest in his plan to ban it.

Play video content 9/11/19 LAST TIME WE SAW HIM

Side note: apologies for that 2014 video quality -- Wi-Fi just wasn't what it is today. Hell, we were only on iPhone 5 back then!!!
