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Alia Shawkat Details REALLY WEIRD Celebrity Sex Encounter

Alia Shawkat will forever be best known for her role as Maeby on Arrested Development.

At least that’s what we assumed prior to watching the following video.

Now we’re pretty sure Alia Shawkat will forever be best known as the actress who had very strange sex with a mysterious celebrity whose identity we’re DYING to know.

In an interview with Viceland, the 27-year old begins her story by saying she met an anonymous star at a party.

She never divulges his name, but she does say he’s a bit older that she is… he has "really smokey eyes" … and he is a "mysterious, intense dude."

What else does she say about him? Well…

"He approaches me and pinned me against the wall," she said of how the sexual encounter got started, adding that he also kicked everyone out of the party so the two could be alone.

That was thoughtful of him, right?

But then things took a turn for the very, very weird.

9 Really Weird Places These Celebrities Have Had Sex


"He was like directing me," she continues, saying he then told her, "I need you to go take a shower, I need you to be clean."

A hot and steamy shower together? Not quite.

Shawkat showered alone and was then told by this mystery man: "I’m going to shave you now."

Yup. Shave her down there.

Alia went on to say that the intercourse itself was just as unusual, as her famous paramour kept saying, "I shouldn’t be doing this" throughout the penetration.

The two subsequently passed out before she snuck out of his place the following morning.

"Later that morning, I woke up [at home] and was like, ‘Did that s—t happen to me?" she says.

"And I looked under the covers, yep that happened. There’s nothing down there."

What happened when she ran into this same guy at a bar on a later date?

Watch to find out and then let the theories fly:

