How old is Jeff Francoeur? When is Jeff Francoeur's birthday? Where is Jeff Francoeur born? Where did Jeff Francoeur grow up from? What's Jeff Francoeur's age?
Jeff Francoeur Born: 1984 (age 40years), Atlanta, GA
Is Jeff Francoeur married? When did Jeff Francoeur get married? Who's Jeff Francoeur's married to? (Who's Jeff Francoeur's husband / wife)?
Jeff Francoeur Spouse: Catie McCoy Francoeur (m. 2007)
How about Jeff Francoeur's parents?
Jeff Francoeur Parents: Karen Francoeur, David Francoeur
How about Jeff Francoeur's education?
Jeff Francoeur Education: Parkview High School (2002)
How about Jeff Francoeur's number?
Jeff Francoeur Number: 3 (Philadelphia Phillies / Outfielder), MORE
How about Jeff Francoeur's position?
Jeff Francoeur Position: Outfielder
How about Jeff Francoeur's picked date?
Jeff Francoeur Picked date: 2016 (Miami Marlins, Atlanta Braves), MORE
What has happened to Jeff Francoeur?
By August he was on the cover of Sports Illustrated and had a new nickname: \u201cThe Natural.\u201d Francoeur finished his rookie season with a commanding . 300 batting average, 14 home runs and 44 RBIs in 67 games. Jeff, a hometown boy, quickly became a fan favorite and an asset to the team.
How much does Jeff Francoeur make announcing for the Braves?
By August he was on the cover of Sports Illustrated and had a new nickname: \u201cThe Natural.\u201d Francoeur finished his rookie season with a commanding . 300 batting average, 14 home runs and 44 RBIs in 67 games. Jeff, a hometown boy, quickly became a fan favorite and an asset to the team.
How many outfield assists did Jeff Francoeur have?
By August he was on the cover of Sports Illustrated and had a new nickname: \u201cThe Natural.\u201d Francoeur finished his rookie season with a commanding . 300 batting average, 14 home runs and 44 RBIs in 67 games. Jeff, a hometown boy, quickly became a fan favorite and an asset to the team.
How did Jeff Francoeur get his nickname?
By August he was on the cover of Sports Illustrated and had a new nickname: \u201cThe Natural.\u201d Francoeur finished his rookie season with a commanding . 300 batting average, 14 home runs and 44 RBIs in 67 games. Jeff, a hometown boy, quickly became a fan favorite and an asset to the team.