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Fame | Jeff Francoeur net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

How old is Jeff Francoeur? When is Jeff Francoeur's birthday? Where is Jeff Francoeur born? Where did Jeff Francoeur grow up from? What's Jeff Francoeur's age?

Jeff Francoeur Born: 1984 (age 40years), Atlanta, GA

Is Jeff Francoeur married? When did Jeff Francoeur get married? Who's Jeff Francoeur's married to? (Who's Jeff Francoeur's husband / wife)?

Jeff Francoeur Spouse: Catie McCoy Francoeur (m. 2007)

How about Jeff Francoeur's parents?

Jeff Francoeur Parents: Karen Francoeur, David Francoeur

How about Jeff Francoeur's education?

Jeff Francoeur Education: Parkview High School (2002)

How about Jeff Francoeur's number?

Jeff Francoeur Number: 3 (Philadelphia Phillies / Outfielder), MORE

How about Jeff Francoeur's position?

Jeff Francoeur Position: Outfielder

How about Jeff Francoeur's picked date?

Jeff Francoeur Picked date: 2016 (Miami Marlins, Atlanta Braves), MORE

What has happened to Jeff Francoeur?

By August he was on the cover of Sports Illustrated and had a new nickname: \u201cThe Natural.\u201d Francoeur finished his rookie season with a commanding . 300 batting average, 14 home runs and 44 RBIs in 67 games. Jeff, a hometown boy, quickly became a fan favorite and an asset to the team.

How much does Jeff Francoeur make announcing for the Braves?

By August he was on the cover of Sports Illustrated and had a new nickname: \u201cThe Natural.\u201d Francoeur finished his rookie season with a commanding . 300 batting average, 14 home runs and 44 RBIs in 67 games. Jeff, a hometown boy, quickly became a fan favorite and an asset to the team.

How many outfield assists did Jeff Francoeur have?

By August he was on the cover of Sports Illustrated and had a new nickname: \u201cThe Natural.\u201d Francoeur finished his rookie season with a commanding . 300 batting average, 14 home runs and 44 RBIs in 67 games. Jeff, a hometown boy, quickly became a fan favorite and an asset to the team.

How did Jeff Francoeur get his nickname?

By August he was on the cover of Sports Illustrated and had a new nickname: \u201cThe Natural.\u201d Francoeur finished his rookie season with a commanding . 300 batting average, 14 home runs and 44 RBIs in 67 games. Jeff, a hometown boy, quickly became a fan favorite and an asset to the team.
